Thermostat operating range between 60 and 103 degrees F. Each unit is hand assembled by our skilled craftsmen and tested for a full 24 hours for proper operation and calibration. Constructed from high strength plastic board making it well insulated, quieter, and easier to clean. Settings are rotated among the three turning trays so that the hatching tray can accept the eggs from one of the setting trays each cycle. Set the eggs each week or so and then hatch the oldest setting eggs at the same time. So if you are just getting started with a small flock, all you need is this one incubator. In addition to having three automatically turned racks, it has a hatching tray in the bottom of the incubator. This is a complete incubator and hatcher. Electronic egg turning control, audio/visual indicators and a standard easy view door highlight a number of standard features. An on-board computer monitors systems and the environment every second to keep itself updated and to share this data with you. 1502 “SPORTSMAN” incubator offers an accurate digital thermostat with LCD display of Temperature and Humidity.